Main Page: Provides brief description of each pages. Also the layout of the main page has been updated to be consistent with the rest of the system. Instead of wicket URL, the new system also provides the bookmarkable URL for each page.
Current Carbon Intensity Page: this is formerly the Stoplight page. This page use the stoplight to indicate the status of the carbon intensity level of Oahu grid at the current hour. In addition, it also provides useful tips accordingly to the status. The tip is also updated in every ten seconds.
Grid Information: display the power data in chart view. Three major improvements of the page includes the calculation of data period of each granularity option, the use of ajax-style for processing the chart, and the update of chart Y-axis based on the dataset.
Grid Visualization: presents power data in a visualization mode. The system provide user an option to include multiple power data in the chart.
Daily Carbon Intensity: display the daily carbon intensity information of the Oahu grid. The stoplight-mode also available on this page.
Source Summary: displays the summary of each power source. The detail information of the project is available on Google project hosting site under ekolugical-carbonometer.
Project Experience
It's finally a big relief after this project is done. I've been working very closely with my teammate both BJ Peter Delacruz and Wahib Hanani on this project. Each of us very devotes to this project. Personally, this is a great experience for software development. There are a few factors that matter to the completion of this project. We've used the software ICU to monitor the project progress such as the coverage of the system. However, the software ICU doesn't really reflect the amount of actual work for each member due to some administering tasks doesn't monitor by the system. Also, working collaboratively is very important for this groupwork. Though, we have assigned specific tasks to each member, we always jump in to help or shuffle the task so that each member can involve in all part of the system. Last word to say, I will miss the fun working in ekolu team.Have a wonderful winter break!!!
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