We finally finished the project that also incoporate comment and reviews from Dr. Philip Johnson. The distributed package consists of the 10 command classes in the command specification and test class for each command. Classes are packaged in two packages : org.wattdepot.cli.command
, and org.wattdepot.cli.processor.
One of the biggest challenge that we encountered in this project is the code overwritten. Even though subversion is a great tool for committing the source code to the centralized server, it can't prevent the overwritten issue. One might ask how could that happend. The answer is not mysterious if you have two or more people are working on the same file at the same time. When the first person committs the change while the other still work on that file. During the group meeting, we've spent quite a while on reviewing the different and merging both local and updated file.
Overall, this is a good experience especially to participate at the early stage of the revolution for renewal energy. Learning from this first group project, I think the most important pharse (at least for this kind of project) is to detail the break down of the system. As for this project, we put a little too much work on the team leader (BJ) during the reviewing process.
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