Friday, December 18, 2009

Final Thought on ICS 613 Software Engineering

Finally, the semester is over. After taking the ICS 613, here's my final thought of the course.

Positive Aspect:

This is the real-world trainng of software engineering experience. I really enjoy the tought assignments in this class because I believe that is the best way of training myself to become a better software developer. I've learnt a lot of new practices as well as experienced in team environment. The professor, Dr. Johnson, is also very passionate about the subject. I believe that he might had spent a lot of additional time preparing the screencast lectures for the class.

Negative Aspect:

This class is very time-consuming both on the programming assignment and writting the blog. It's both programming and writting intensive. I've spent about 75% of my time working for this class alone. Fortunately, my other classes didn't have much work.

In conclusion, I would recommend this class to every ICS students but also make sure that you don't take two programming intensive classes at the same semester.

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